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Find WGCSRA member number

Where do I find my Member Number?

  1. Join the pool, or update your membership to this year, by going to http://www.woodleygardenspool.org.
    1. Your membership must be paid in full before going to the next step.
    2. Membership fees can be paid online.
  2. Once your membership is active for this year, visit http://www.woodleygardenspool.org again.
  3. Log in by clicking Member Login in the upper right corner. 
  4. After logging in, select the drop-down arrow next to your name in the upper right corner. 
  5. Select Profile from the dropdown under your name. 
  6. Your member number is at the top of the right column.

Again, if you have not yet joined Woodley Gardens Pool, please do so now. This is a requirement for all participants on MCSL teams.
Note about member numbers: Your payment must have been processed before your member number will be visible in your account. Once your payment is processed, you are full members of the pool and will see your member number.
Therefore, if you opted to send a check for WGCSRA, there will be several days of delay while it arrives and gets processed. Please be patient while processing happens. Reach out to the team directly if you are concerned registering in time for buddies and/or time trials.
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